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High Quality Materials with World Class Engineering – Metro Holdings Pvt.Ltd
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523 Sylvan Ave, 5th Floor
Mountain View, CA 94041USA

High Quality Materials with World Class Engineering


The 10th Mile Metro is designed by pleat of highly qualified professionals, Architects, Structural Engineers, Landscapers and Concrete technologies to ensure high standard Living hood and Life style.
The Practice of construction is handled very responsibly, technically and tactically to ensure the right delivery wear and tear hassle free usage.
Advanced methods such as double stack plumbing system with usage of top notch quality, appropriate material and fittings for a hassle free living experience. The water distribution system to the township is managed by the latest and advanced technology system with world leading technology. This technology promises symmetrical water dispensing throughout the township in a constant pressure ensuring the luxury and wow experience to the livelihood.
The wood and joinery used for main doors are ensured to be the first of it is grade, fitted with world standard accessories and fittings along with advanced locking system assuring fool proof strength and safety for the decades to come.
The Electrical circuits are conducted and concealed with high quality standards accessories and copper wires ending at branded and elegant looking modular switches from the top and assured branded from the market. More over Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) and Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) are also provided which promises the at most life safety from electrocutes to the livelihood.